Lucia Barbera

MELBOURNEPUNTOIT.COM – The Italian NewsPaper of Melbourne –

Lucia is Sicilian and was born in 1982 in the province of Messina. She got an international Ph.D. in “History of social institutions and development cooperation”, which lead in 2012 to the publication of a book L’assistenza all’infanzia abbandonata nella Sicilia d’età borbonica (“The abandoned childhood in the Sicily at the Borbonic Age”). Lucia had extensive experience as a social activist for the promotion of human rights, multiculturalism and in the protection of women and children,’s rights within public and international institutions. She is passionate about history, multiculturalism, travels and foreign languages and from the moment she has arrived in Australia in 2014 she felt in love with Melbourne, fascinated by its wild and elegant natural beauty, poliedricity, colours, cultural activism and multicultural history. Currently, Lucia enjoys teaching Italian to adults of all levels, and is involved in volunteering activities in support of elderly Italians and newly arrived young people of refugee background.

———- ♦ ——— אמת ——— ♦ ———- – The Italian NewsPaper of Melbourne

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