Andrea Buonaguidi – Editor –
MELBOURNEPUNTOIT.COM – The Italian NewsPaper of Melbourne – Andrea was born in late 70’s in a village in Tuscany and happily there remained until he went to the University where he completed the Bachelor in Letters and Philosophy with a thesis in modern history. Due to further studies, research and working he has lived for […]
Paola Provinciali
MELBOURNEPUNTOIT.COM – The Italian NewsPaper of Melbourne – Paola is an Italian architect. Following her graduation in Florence, she moved to Dublin and then to London to work for what she thought was going to be “a limited period of time”. In a couple of years she realized her adventure in foreign countries could not […]
Mister D
MELBOURNEPUNTOIT.COM – The Italian NewsPaper of Melbourne – Mister D. atterra in Australia nel 2013 senza che ci fosse un vero perché insieme a due amici e si stabilisce a Melbourne. Non si é mai spostato più per pigrizia che per altro. Quando era in Italia studiava una cosa e faceva un lavoro completamente diverso; adesso […]
Lucia Alfieri
MELBOURNEPUNTOIT.COM – The Italian NewsPaper of Melbourne – Lucia, viene da una cittadina in provincia di Torino ed é atterrata qualche anno fa con l’intenzione di stare in terra Australiana non più di uno o due anni. Poi peró si sa come vanno certe cose e i due anni son trascorsi da un po’ e […]
Ettore Donnaiola
MELBOURNEPUNTOIT.COM – The Italian NewsPaper of Melbourne – Ettore è originario di un piccolo paese della Puglia e come molti altri ha lasciato casa pochi anni fa per cercar fortuna all’ estero e magari realizzare anche qualche piccolo sogno. A Melbourne si dedica con passione al suo lavoro, fra luci colorate e persone dedite al […]
Arial Rounded MT Bold
MELBOURNEPUNTOIT.COM – The Italian NewsPaper of Melbourne – Disenchanted at times, never surrendered. Constantly looking for a balance between the serious and the facetious sides of the real, and often undecided between beer or wine. Arial has been in Australia for five years and, despite this, she still believes that everything may turn back and […]
Andrea Lisanti
MELBOURNEPUNTOIT.COM – The Italian NewsPaper of Melbourne – Andrea lives in Melbourne since the end of 2012. Before he decided to move down under he had been involved for years with carpentry and philosophy. He also worked as a waiter, consultant and in the organization of events, exhibitions and conferences. Once he got off the […]
Valerio D’ Ammando
MELBOURNEPUNTOIT.COM – The Italian NewsPaper of Melbourne – Valerio was born 30 years fà in Roma, He grew up there studying storia all’università and working as gelataio prima and selling beers after in un wholesale shop. Appassionato di letteratura e cinema Valerio has also published a couple of novels in “il club dei narrautori”. Few months ago, one morning, […]
Fabio Petulicchio
MELBOURNEPUNTOIT.COM – The Italian NewsPaper of Melbourne – Fabio was born in Genova, on the blucerchiato side of the city in 1972. After the Bachelor in law he worked for years in the forensic sector and in press offices. He lately decided to move to Milano to work in the touristic sector. Due to his […]